I knew I couldn’t do nothing until I could breathe properly again, but it really fucking hurt to be pinned down by a dweeb like Scott and not be able to fight back.
Scott was lying on top of me, his underweight fuckin’ body rubbing against my tight, muscled bod and his matchstick fuckin’ arms holding me there like I was nothing. The more I struggled, the hotter Scott fuckin’ got, like he was desperate to fuckin’ own me. He’d already given me a love bite and no one fuckin’ marks me!
My face was all screwed up, trying to keep the fag’s mouth away from mine but he was being tough, making the most of having me in his fuckin’ power. My throat and neck were fuckin’ killing me, throbbing like our cocks after his brother Michael had slammed my neck down into his knee, winding me.
Scott was muttering my name softly, like “Oh, Justin! Justin!” and shit like that, breathing his fucking faggot breath over me between kisses.
I knew I had to do something to get free and teach these faggots a lesson, but my mind was racing and the room was still all blurry and spinning. I forced myself to concentrate so I could think clear and work out what to do. And then I got smart.
I stopped struggling and just lay there, letting Scott do his thing. The less I struggled, the quicker I could get my own back. So I lay there pretending like I’d given in or something and let the room start getting back into focus.
I’m pretty tough usually and it didn’t take long before I was starting to breathe properly again. I could see better too and most of the stuff I saw was red from my blood boiling.
Scott was working his way down my body, kissing my stomach like he was in love with it. He had let go of my hands now, ‘cause he didn’t think I was gonna do anything and when I looked over my head, I could see his brother Michael sitting on the other side of the room, watching like a fuckin’ pervert.'I waited a bit longer, till Scott was putting his mouth near my cock, and then I jumped into action. I swung my legs around him and flipped him over, laying a fist into his face so hard that he would’ve been seeing stars real quick.
I saw Michael jump off his chair and rush over, so I grabbed the lamp near the bed and swung it at him, hitting him across the head. He staggered back across the room, bringing his arms up to protect his face, so I jumped off the bed and charged at him, slamming him back against the wall.
I laid into his gut, slugging him hard with my left and right fists. Bam! Bam! Bam! Five times I clobbered the fucker’s gut and he doubled right over, dropping faster than a prostitute’s underpants. I brought my knee up into his face sending him smashing back into the wall again.
I didn’t see Scott get up off the bed, but when he saw the bashing I was giving his brother, he jumped onto my back, trying to pull me off. I turned around and rammed him into the wall too, making him let me go, then spun around and put a fist into his gut too. He went down in one punch, fuckin’ pussy.
They were both on their knees now, where they should be, but Michael was starting to get up, so I grabbed his hair in one hand and Scott’s hair in the other and bashed their heads together, making them sprawl out on the floor near my feet. I kicked them both a couple of times, then went over to the telephone and ripped it out of the wall.
I went back to them and kicked Scott real hard again, then plonked myself down on top of Michael, and tied his hand up behind his back with the ‘phone cord. Fuckin’ sucker!
Then I turned around to Scott and pulled him up to his feet, holding him around the throat against the wall.
“You have fun tonight, cunt?” I asked, real nasty.
He started bawling, shit scared about what I was gonna do.
“I’m sorry,” he whimpered.
“I’m sorry.” I copied him, screwing up my face like he was. “Well ‘sorry’ ain’t good enough.” And I punched him in the gut again.
I waited for his eyes to focus after some of the pain went away, then smiled real friendly at him.
“The question is, what am I gonna do with you and your big bro, huh?”
“Don’t hurt us,” he cried and this time I laughed.
“You hear that?” I asked Michael, looking down at him, but he was ignoring me ‘cause of all the pain I’d given him.
“Answer me when I talk to you, you fuck!” And I kicked Michael in the chest. He cried out and man, did that sound good! And it felt good too, seeing him lying there curled up in a ball, trying to protect his chest where I fuckin’ booted him. Fuckin’ power man! What a rush!
“You’re not laughing now, are you faggot?“ I said. He shook his head for an answer so I wouldn’t kick him again and I let him get away with not talking ‘cause I knew that he couldn’t right now.
I shoved Scott away, making him trip over Michael when he staggered away, then dropped to my knees, pushing one of them into Michael’s throat.
“What’s that?” I asked him, pretending like he had said something to me. “A crushed windpipe? Is that what it feels like? How ‘bout that!” My voice was still a bit rough from the damage he’d done to me so I dug my knee in harder and watched his face go all red and blotchy.
“Please don’t kill him!” Scott was really crying hard now and was cowering in the corner with his knees pushed up against his chest. What a fuckin’ pussy!
"You think I’m a fuckin’ killer, do you?” I said, getting up and stomping over to him. “Is that what you think of me? A fuckin’ murderer? Like your fucking’ brother there trying to break my fuckin’ neck before?” My voice was getting louder, I was so pissed off with them, so I took a deep breath and calmed down.
“Get up, you fuckin’ faggot!”
Scott go to his feet, real slow, pressing back against the wall like he was hoping it would swallow him.
“You owe me big time. Real big time, fuckin’ settin’ me up like that. And you know what? I always like my debts paid, with real high interest rates, know what I mean?”
Scott nodded, still trying to hide in the wall. It was making me mad again, seeing him being such a fuckin’ pussy, so I grabbed him and threw him across the room. He landed on the bed, bouncing up and down on the mattress, so I walked over to him and climbed on him, sitting on his stomach.
The fuck raised his hands to shield his face, so I pushed them away really fiercely.
“Look at me!” I growled, “Fuckin’ hiding your face like you was some kind of fuckin’ spastic!”
His lips were quivering ‘cause he was pouting, trying not to cry again.
“Number 1,” I said, clenching and unclenching my fist, “Eavesdropping on my fuckin’ mates and me at school.” I back-handed him across the face.
“Number 2. Dobbing me in to your fucking pussy brother over there.” This time I punched him, making his nose bleed more. The tears were fuckin’ pouring down his face now, but he was still trying not to cry anymore.
“Number 3. Setting me up. No fucker sets me up, you cunt!” I raised my fist and he screwed up his face really tight, waiting for my fist to hit him.
I was holding my fist above his face, deciding how hard to clobber him, but then I changed my mind.
“Now that showed a lot of balls – something I didn’t think you had,” I said. “So I’m gonna let you get away with it this time, ‘cause you’ve impressed me, and that ain’t an easy thing to do.”
Scott looked up at me, so fuckin’ stunned that even the tears stopped.
“If you ever do it again though,” I said, “I’ll put you and your brother in a wheelchair for life, got it?”
He nodded real quickly and I could see the relief on his face.
“Thank you,” he said.
“Oh, don’t thank me yet you little shit. I haven’t finished. Number 4….” His face changed to scared again and I heard him whimper.
“We’ve got a long way to go yet. Number 4. Doing what your brother told you instead of me. I’m The One around here, got that? You do as I say, not anyone else. I don’t give a shit about your brother. Got it?”
“Yes,” he whispered.
“I can’t hear you,” I yelled.
“Yes!” he said louder.
“Good. Remember it.” And I slammed my fist into his face, knocking the cunt out. Bastard. Fuckin’ passing out before I’d finished with him! I slapped him a few times waking him up.
“Don’t ever fuckin’ pass out on me again! You hear me, dweeb?”
His face was starting to puff out like a fuckin’ balloon and it reminded me of Michael’s chest, puffing out above me when he was sitting on me before. I turned around to see was the sucker was up to, but he was still lying there, rocking on his side.
I decided to let Scott recover a bit and work Michael over instead, so I got up and sauntered real casually to the fallen cunt and yanked him up to his feet by his hair.
“What’s the matter, tough guy?” I said, shoving my face into his. “Getting bored all by yourself?” I spun around 360 degrees, dragging him around with me by the hair and slamming him face first into the wall. He bounced off it like he was made of fucking rubber. I shoved him over to the bed and threw him down, making him land on top of Scott. His hands were still tied behind his back with the telephone cord, and his face was all covered in the blood coming out his nose.
I sat on top of him, Scott trapped under the both of us, and flopped out my dick. I was on a high now ‘cause I’d won the challenge and I now I was ready to be sucked off.
I shoved my cock in Michael’s face, making sure that my knee didn’t block Scott’s view. I wanted him to see his brother humiliated, ‘cause I knew it would teach him good and proper. I grabbed Michael by the ears and lifted up his head.
“You fuckin’ take my cock and you suck it hard, you faggot,” I said. “And if you try one more thing, I’ll fuckin’ gouge your eyes out, got it?” I pressed my thumbs into his eyes like a warning, then let him see again so he could take my dick.
I twisted his ears to make him open his mouth gasping, and shoved my prick into it.
“Let’s see if you’re as good as your little brother, hey?” I started thrusting hard, making him choke on it, but I didn’t let up, yanking his head up and down, and thrusting my cock in and out too so that the head job was hard and fast.
“Oh, yeah, you motherfucker,” I said, “That’s right. You take it. There’s a good faggot. Take it all.”
I heard Scott mutter something like “Let him go”, but I wasn’t sure what he said. It didn’t matter though. I let go of Michael’s ear with one hand and backhanded the dweeb, telling him to shut up.
Michael’s skin was changing from red to fuckin’ blue because his face was so swollen he couldn’t breathe through his nose and my thick cock was stuffing down his throat. I didn’t stop thought – let he cunt suffer!
When I was ready to cum, I pulled my cock out and turned around, wanking myself the last bit so that I spurted out all over Scott’s face. He was fuckin’ showered with it, man, like a fuckin’ blizzard was falling on his face! All that challenge to top them both had built up a mega fuckin’ load inside of me and now it was all sitting oozing on Scott’s face.
He went to wipe the cum off him, but I slapped his hand away.
“Don’t you fuckin’ dare,” I yelled at him as the last drops dribbled onto his neck.
“That was good,” I said, looking down at them both. Scott was reaching up to wipe my cum out of his eyes.
“I said, don’t you fuckin’ touch it!”
I got off Michael and grabbed him by the scalp, pulling him up and over so he was face down on top of Scott.
“Lick it off him,” I said. Michael shook his head.
“You made the fuckin’ mess, now fuckin’ clean it up! Lick it!” I pounded a fist into the base of Michael’s neck and his face went down, head-butting Scott.
“Every drop!”
I moved to the side of them to watch. Scott screwed up his face as his brother started licking my spoof off. Michael's tongue was huge, like his fuckin’ brothers and it covered Scott’s face real nicely. I was in fuckin’ Heaven, man! Only a faggot would do that to his kid brother, no matter what I told him.
When he was done, I patted Michael on the head like a dog.
“Good boy,” I said. “Now both of you sit up.”
They sat up, backing to the head of the bed like naughty fuckin’ school boys caught by the headmaster and waiting to be punished.
“Here’s how it’s gonna be. You, you double-crossing little cunt,” I said, pointing at Scott, “are gonna be my fuckin’ slave from now on. You’re gonna carry my bag at school, wipe my fuckin’ arse when I tell you, and do exactly what I say, got it?” I waited for him to nod.
“Good. I want the whole school to see just how fuckin’ sorry you are for what you tried tonight. From now on, every day you’re mine. Not once in a fuckin’ while after school in the park. Every fuckin’ minute of every fuckin’ day. If I ring you at night, you’re at my fuckin’ feet in 10 minutes, got it? It took me 20 minutes to walk here, so you can make it in 10. Right?”
He nodded again and I couldn’t help smiling.
“That oughta make you happy, you fuckin’ queer. Fuckin’ fantacising over me! All you fuckin’ faggots are the same. Treat you like shit and you come back for more. Well, you’ve got your fuckin’ fantasy now, Scottie-boy, only you belong to me, not the other way around.”
I looked at Michael, starring at him hard to freak him out. I couldn’t believe he was nearly fucking 30 years old, man. Sitting there like that, all bloodied and scared, made him look as pathetic as his fuckin’ kid brother.
“Alright. Now you.” I said. “You didn’t know any better - only what your fuckwit brother told you, so I’m gonna let you off light. Can’t say I'm not fuckin' fair. From now on, you’re gonna do all the fuckin’ homework I give slave-boy here to take home for me. If I don’t pass this fuckin’ year and next, then you’re dead. You’re gonna let him come to me whenever I fuckin’ call, don’t matter what time or when, and if I ever want something else from you, you’re gonna fuckin’ give it over when I say. Got it?”
“And what makes you think I’ll do that?” he said, still trying to act tough.
“’Cause I’m the one with the bruised throat and hickie on my fuckin’ neck. I’m the one with the ripped clothes and the cum on my cock. And ‘cause everyone knows that I’m not a faggot and that I was coming here tonight. So who do you think the fuckin’ cops will believe?”
“That’s blackmail,” he said, but I could see it in their eyes that they were shit scared I was right.
“That’s right,” I said smiling. “It’s blackmail, and you’re gonna fuckin’ pay the ransom till the day you die, or spend the rest of your fuckin’ life in prison. Got it? I’m gonna go home now and make sure my old man sees the damage you’ve done, and tomorrow at school, I’m gonna tell them all that you attacked me when I came over to get Scott to help me with my homework. So if you think you can wait a few weeks and try anything, you can forget it, ‘cause I’m gonna have plenty of witnesses.”
“You’re fucking mad!” he said to me. I didn’t want to hit him again, but when he said that, he deserved it, so I punched him in the mouth, splitting his fat lip open.
“Didn’t hear you,” I said. “What did you say?”
The pussy looked away and said nothing. I smiled at them real evil-like and grabbed what was left of my tank top and headed to the door.
“I’m going out the front now,” I said, looking back at them. “You better hope the neighbours aren’t looking out there window, huh? You wouldn’t want me to get any more witnesses, now, would you?”
I walked out the door and fuckin’ grinned and laughed the whole way home despite my sore neck. It was a huge fuckin’ victory that night, and a challenge I thought I was gonna loose for a while. There’s a first time for every thing, but I never loose in the end. I always win eventually and it’s the cool fuckin’ challenges like that one that really make it worthwhile.
Total domination and total control is how I like it, and that’s exactly what I got. Like my other bitch, our cocksucking football coach, Agliadis, Michael was way older than me, but I still managed to fuckin’ take him down and make him respect me.
That’s what its all about, see? Respect. They all fuckin’ want my bod, but sometimes you gotta make them respect you too, ‘cause they forget that I’m not just a piece of fuckin’ meat or some wimpy fuckin’ school kid push over. I’m a tough fuckin’ dude with heaps of people who want to be just like me. And I’m un-fuckin’-stoppable, just how I like it.
Story taken from my series "Bio of a Bully"
Take the "f" work out from this and it would be half as long. I was looking for any socially redeeming value in the rest of it, but didn't find it. What is even interesting about bashing someone with a lamp? People have died from less than this.
Thanks for the feedback. Not every story or character will appeal to every reader. It's important to remember however that these are just fictional stories of imagination. Hitting someone with a lamp is nowhere near as severe as the bashings we see in "professional" wrestling on TV, where they use chairs, barbed wire and other insane things. They're also fantasy fights - trained acrobats staging insane behaviour.
While I enjoy writing these stories, in no way do I condone or incourage such irresponsible behaviour! I hope you enjoy the other bouts more. Thanks again for taking the time to write.
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